There are many reasons why young adults should be interested in Sea Scouts. Being on the water and learning to operate a boat powered by wind is a traditional rewarding experience. For thousands of years, sailing and water transportation was the most important methods of travel for trade, business, culture, war, and practically every other major advancement.
Join the millions who have come before and experience the beauty and fellowship that is created by the Sea and Sea Scouts.
Sea Scouting is a co-educational program for young adults between the ages of 14 and 21. Young adults that are 13 years old and have completed the eighth grade are also eligible to join.
Sea Scouting is organized to promote better citizenship and to improve members’ boating skills and knowledge through instruction and practice in water safety, boating skills, outdoor, social, and service experiences, and knowledge of our maritime heritage. Sea Scouting happens on, in and under the water.
We are also involved in recreational boating, marine science and/or maritime careers. Sea Scouting offers the challenge and excitement of the sea including sailing, navigation, safety, communications, mechanics, weather, piloting, and much more. Sea Scouting is an adventure on both land and sea!
Prior sailing experience is not necessary or required. Beginners are welcome! Feel free to navigate our site to learn more about who we are and what we do.
Sea Scout Ship 717 is part of the Dan Beard Council Trailblazer District, B.S.A. The main membership requirements are to enjoy boats and be interested in learning how to operate, maintain, and develop nautical skills.
Ship 717 uses boats, seamanship and nautical skills to develop character and leadership qualities in young people. Nationwide the Sea Scouting program has over 7,000 youth participating in 550 Ships. Ship 717 has compiled an impressive record of accomplishments, including over 35 days of on-water activities. These ranged from formal training in boating handling, rules of the road, safety drills and boat maintenance with a good measure of fun thrown in.