Volunteer at Camp
Volunteering for the Dan Beard Council camps is a great way to spend your time and help steer our youth in the right direction! The programs and operations at the Dan Beard Scout Reservation and Camp Michaels are successful because of the many volunteers that give their time and resources. Learn more about the countless ways to give back and volunteer.
Be a part of the movement to maintain and improve our council camps, the Wilderness Engineers.
The Wilderness Engineers is a program for Scouts and Scouters who want to help maintain and improve our world-class camping facilities. By using their skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm for service, we have access to resources and manpower to help preserve our camps for future generations of youth to enjoy. You do not need to have any special talents to participate, just a willing hand.
Several work days are conducted each year during which the Wilderness Engineers focus on various camp improvement or maintenance projects. These fun and rewarding service days are great ways to develop new skills, put those you have to use for a good cause, meet new people, and spend some time in the outdoors. Click here for details.
The Campmaster Corps is a group of Scouters who support weekend camp reservations at Camp Friedlander and Cub World. Scout units and other groups that use any part of the camp properties are greeted by and assisted by a Campmaster during their visit. The Campmaster helps groups gain access to the facilities and provide equipment, programs, and other friendly services to all our visitors. Working with the Ranger Staff, the Campmaster Corps is the primary customer service team for the Dan Beard Scout Reservation. Click here for details.
Only through continued service can we ensure that the beautiful and natural areas of the Dan Beard Scout Reservation and Camp Michaels are preserved for future youth. Camp Conservation Days are an great way for Scouts to earn service hours while working to conserve our camp properties. These days of organized projects include tree-planting, erosion control, honeysuckle removal, trail maintenance, and other conservation projects. Groups that participate learn about lake ecosystems and help create a healthy environment for the plants and animals that share our camps. This event promotes a sense of ownership in our camps for all those who participate. Click here for details.
Community Camp, formally known as Day Camp, takes place at various locations around the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky area. This program would not be possible without the dedicated volunteers of the Dan Beard Council. Volunteers are made up of both Camp Staff, mature Scout BSA aged Scouts, and parents/ guardians of Scouts already attending Community Camp. Click here for details.