Eight Israeli Scouts Visit Local Boy Scout Summer Camp
CINCINNATI, OH: July 2017— Eight Scouts, ages 13 and 14, and a leader from the Tzofim Israeli Scout Delegation visited the Greater Cincinnati area and Camp Friedlander for two weeks.
“Through the collaboration between the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati and Dan Beard Council Boy Scouts of America, local Scouts have the unique opportunity to interact with and learn from the 2017 Tzofim Israeli Scout Delegation during their two week stay at Camp Friedlander,” said Tom Dugger, Scout Executive and Chief Executive Officer of Dan Beard Council Boy Scouts of America. “This partnership builds friendships through teamwork, community service and fun camping activities. We look forward to the Tzofim Israeli Scout visit every year.”
While at Camp Friedlander, the Tzofim Delegation participated in traditional merit badge classes, COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) and ACE (Advanced Camper Experience). They interacted with Boy Scouts from Dan Beard Council, where the two groups discussed the similarities and differences in each country’s Scouting program. In addition to spending two weeks at camp, the Israeli Scouts also completed a community service project at the Adath Israel synagogue.
“This was the first time that many of the Americans have ever met an Israeli, and it gave them a glimpse into a world they only read about or see on TV,” said Alan Brown, co-chair of the Jewish Federation’s P2G program and chair of the Jewish Committee on Scouting, Dan Beard Council, BSA. “For the Israelis, this was the first time they got to meet Americans their age. It is so heartwarming to see how the partnership influences the worldview of teenagers from both groups.”
This was the 15th year the Tzofim Israeli Scout Delegation has visited Cincinnati. Their trip was made possible by the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.
About the Dan Beard Council
The Dan Beard Council prepares more than 30,000 youth to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Scouting provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness. Please visit www.danbeard.org for more information.