Starting a new badge? Trying to finish one up? Here’s how to find your adult partner, the Merit Badge Counselor, to help guide you towards completion of your next merit badge.

  1. Make sure you have your troop’s approval to start your next badge. Usually, this requires your Scoutmaster signing a new Application for Merit Badge (a “blue card”).
  2. Click the link below to download the latest Merit Badge Counselor roster for the Dan Beard Council. This file is in Excel format and will allow you to sort by badge.
  3. Open the Excel file and enter password eagletrail
  4. Use the arrows at the top of the columns to sort by badge, name, or nearby city. Or use Ctrl + F to search for specific information.
  5. If you see a “Y” in the “Troop Only” column, that Merit Badge Counselor has requested to only counsel Scouts within their own troop. Unless you are a member of the counselor’s troop, you should pick another counselor for that badge.
  6. If you need additional information, please contact the Scout Achievement Center.

Unit leaders can also access the list of merit badge counselors in both Scoutbook and You can find the instructions to this process here.

The Merit Badge Roster is password protected. Please use the following password:

PW: eagletrail

Last Updated: 3/28/2024

**The Merit Badge Counselor listing is being updated and will be posted again soon.