Boy Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps in overcoming them through the advancement method. The Scout plans their advancement and progresses at their own pace as they meet each challenge. The Scout is rewarded for each achievement, which helps them gain self-confidence. The steps in the advancement system help a Scout grow in self-reliance and in the ability to help others.
Advancement is the process by which youth members of the Boy Scouts of America progress from rank to rank and is the method by which we promote and encourage the ongoing involvement and commitment that keeps members coming back for more. It works best when it is built into a unit’s program so that simply participating leads to meaningful achievement and recognition—and to a continually improving readiness for more complex experiences. For more information on advancement in the Boy Scouts of America, Dan Beard Council, click here.

An Eagle Scout Board of Review (BoR) is similar to Boards of Review for earlier ranks with the following exceptions: a representative from the District Advancement team must be present, and the board sends its recommendation to the Dan Beard Council which then sends it to the National Scout Office for concurrence.
The Eagle BoR is a unit activity and is chaired by a member of the unit committee. The BoR is to include at least three, and no more than six adults (over 21 years of age), members, but excluding the Scoutmaster, ASMs, and parents/guardians. Extensive knowledge of Scouting is not a prerequisite. In fact, teachers or other trusted adults familiar with the candidate may serve. During the BoR, members can be familiarized with the proceedings.
The following need to be met before the Eagle Board of Review can be scheduled with the district advancement team:
- The candidate’s Eagle Application with a completed Scoutmaster Conference and all unit level signatures, and Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook must be completed and submitted to the Dan Beard Council for approval.
- The approved Eagle Application and Project Workbook must be returned approved.
- The Letter of Recommendations must be received by the unit coordinator (these remain sealed until the BoR).
- The Eagle candidate must submit his “Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose.”
Then, please contact the Little Miami Advancement team to schedule an Eagle BoR:
Please use the BSA Guide to Advancement. Refer to chapters 8 and 9 contain the relevant information on Boards of Review and the Eagle Scout rank, Use the index at the back to locate your topics of interest.
Yours in Scouting,
Linda McWilliams
Little Miami District Advancement Chair
(513) 680-5309