Popcorn App & Dashboard Tips
Here are a few tips we have learned or heard from other Popcorn Kernels for the Popcorn App
To enable credit card processing, you must have allowed the app to use location services and access to your microphone (if applicable).
Click here for screenshots.
Trail’s End has been pushing out updates for the app. Make sure you are using the most updated version before going out to make sales. You can do this from your App Store/Google Play App Updates area.
For credit card processing, the app needs your phone to either be connected to wifi or have a decent signal for service.
Make sure your parents are using the Trail’s End Popcorn App to avoid fees. If they use the Square App, credit card fees will be processed like normal.
Prior to a storefront, you can assign inventory there so that you know exactly how much popcorn is on hand at the storefront. As sales are made using the app, this inventory will automatically adjust.
Have a parent or at least one appropriate person on site open the Trail’s End Popcorn App and login to one of the Scout accounts who are onsite. Click the storefront tab at the bottom, or the app may auto-prompt you to go to the storefront shift. Click the “Start a Storefront Sale” to begin logging sales. The order screen with all of the popcorn flavors will not show up.
Other Notes:
Not every Scout at the storefront has to login. If your account is setup to split sales, it will auto split the sales among the Scouts who are signed-up for/assigned to that shift/store.
At the end of a storefront shift, you have the ability to closeout the inventory and reconcile everything from your Popcorn Leader Dashboard.
During a storefront (or after), you have the ability to make adjustments to sales, record new sales for the storefront, or update a Scouts totals for the storefront.
The popcorn dashboard has 3 default options to split your storefront sales. One common split that we have heard that is not currently available, is splitting the sales by hours worked across multiple storefronts. To accomodate this, some units have opted to create a couple of generic Scouts (for example Storefront Scout 1 and Storefront Scout 2) to log all of the their storefront sales under. At the end of the day, the kernel then has totals they can divide across multiple Scouts to apply their averaged totals to each Scout.
*Note: This will require some additional calculation outside of the app and manual entry.
If you have a tip you would like to share, please email: Matthew.Lanouette@Scouting.org
Need troubleshooting help with the app? Trail’s End has a dedicated team to help you.
Submit a ticket by emailing teappsupport@trails-end.com