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Easy to Use Storefront System!

Trail’s End is preparing to provide a easy-to-use storefront booking system in 2024 that will aim to expand available storefront opportunities for your unit and enhance the system as a whole. They will be contacting storefronts around greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky on behalf of Scouting to secure them in advance.  You will then be able to login and claim storefront shifts which will automatically be uploaded to your Popcorn Unit Leader Portal. This service will allow for more storefront hours, less work for you trying to secure storefronts, and help to prevent double booking. As a kernel, all you will need to do is sign in, sign up, and sell!

Storefront Sign-Ups Will Begin July 20th.

See a List of Stores We’re Currently Working to Schedule

Find out which storefronts we are planning to book by clicking your district below to access this list now.

Please do not contact the stores included on this list, as we will be working to book directly with the stores. Once all stores are booked, the final list of available stores, dates, and times will be released no later than July 16. If we’re unable to secure time at a location on the storefront list, that store will not be included in the final list. After that point, your unit may reach out to these stores directly with the exception of Kroger and Bass Pro Shop.

List of Confirmed Stores as of July 16, 2021

Do you traditionally sell at a store that is not on Trail’s End Storefront list?
No problem! You can continue to book time with that store as you normally would.


This type of Show & Sell is a lot like an “old school” lemonade stand. Your unit gets permission to have a booth in a high visibility area and your Scouts sell actual popcorn product there on the spot. This method has been highly effective for many units. A unit can plan a Show & Sell day and split Scouts/families into shifts so that everyone takes a turn. Talk with local stores to setup a time to sell.


  • Use our new storefront system to sign-up for available storefront shifts.  There may also be good local high traffic hot spots in your community.
  • If the store requires proof of insurance, please contact Matthew.Lanouette@Scouting.org.
  • When reserving your day, ask the business if there are any setup restrictions that you should be aware of.
  • Double check with the business the day before in case a conflict has arisen. Schedule 1-2 Scouts and 1-2 parents for about 2 hour shifts to keep things organized. Confirm with the parents a few days beforehand.
  • Make sure you have your Unit’s desired storefront sales split selected in the Popcorn System before your first storefront shift. There are four options to choose from.


  • Have Scouts in uniform and stand in front of the table.
  • Never have the Scouts ask if they want to buy popcorn. Coach them to ask things like: “Would you be willing to help support me going to Scout summer camp?
  • Have products displayed neatly. Putting prices on will likely discourage higher purchases.
  • Make sure to thank the store manager. Consider buying a bag and giving it to the store manager along with a thank you note signed by the Scouts.

Potential Locations for a Show & Sell:

*Be sure to speak to the appropriate person to schedule a Show & Sell.

  • Your Church
  • Your Community Park
  • At Community Events
  • Local Hot Spot near you
  • Local Ice Cream or Coffee Shop
  • Gas Station/Truck Stop
  • A Local Mall
  • A Local Farmer’s Mart 
  • Retail Stores
  • Local Sports Events